Commissioner Borges warned that Maduro’s regime intends to deceive the world with an alleged reform of the justice system

Commissioner Borges warned that Maduro’s regime intends to deceive the world with an alleged reform of the justice system

Photo: Centro de Comunicación Nacional


The Presidential Commissioner for Foreign Relations, Julio Borges, alerted the international community about the maneuver by Maduro’s dictatorship about a reform of the justice system in Venezuela.

By Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Oct 19, 2021

The highest diplomatic representative of Venezuela asserted that the serious human rights situation in Venezuela has not changed, as evidenced by the death of General Baduel in strange circumstances while he was in the custody of Maduro’s dictatorship.

“Today there are more than 200 political prisoners, both civil and military, who are at risk of death under Maduro’s regime. For this reason, the world must press for their release and advance in the ICC justice process to achieve truth and reparation for the victims,” he emphasized.

Below is the full statement:

Presidential Commissioner of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for Foreign Relations

Note No. CAN-20-0268
October 19th of 2021

We hereby want to alert the international community about an operation by Nicolás Maduro’s dictatorship to delay the start of a formal investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity committed against hundreds of Venezuelans through the simulation of a reform of the justice system.

Said maneuver by the regime comes after reports from the ICC Prosecutor’s Office and the Fact-Finding Mission of the UN Human Rights Council, which highlighted the inexistence of an independent judiciary capable of investigating violations against citizens, judging those responsible, and reparation for the victims. That is why the dictatorship, in its eagerness to hide its crimes and delay the activation of universal justice by the ICC, is simulating some kind of reform of the national justice system.

As part of this effort to confuse universal justice, Maduro’s dictatorship has amended laws, has pretended to be conducting independent investigations, and has prosecuted low-level officials within the chain of command. We must firmly warn that none of these processes goes to the jugular of the human rights problem, which is none other than the existence of a dictatorship that is a machine of repression, torture and death, and that has undermined democratic institutions, ignoring the principle of independence of public powers. A palpable example that no real efforts have been made to change is that last week General Raúl Isaías Baduel died in the custody of the dictatorship. He was a victim of torture, isolation, arbitrary detention, denial of justice and basic healthcare. Gen. Baduel, who was denied medical care, died in dubious circumstances in one of the dictatorship’s prisons, where more than 200 political prisoners still remain, including patriotic soldiers who have been persecuted for defending the Constitution.

Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – Commissioner Borges warned that Maduro’s regime intends to deceive the world with an alleged reform of the justice system

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